As a mod on Bio and CogSci I am faced with quite some posts that are overlapping in all three fields. In the field of Bioinformatics I see a lot of questions (relatively spoken, as the absolute number of hardcore bioinformatics questions is, well, relatively low on both sites so to speak :-) going unanswered, simply because we lack the expertise.
Now it's about electrophysiology related questions, as a recent example see How to analyse EEG files recorded from BVA?. So this specific question is on the analysis of EEG data, but I think we should gather ERP, ECoG, single-fiber recordings and what not in this realm too and try to address the global picture here.
Now I'm not talking about hardcore signal processing questions (different stack), but there are quite often questions like:
- Program w gives output x, but I need output y for use in program z (data/file conversion issues);
- I use program w that outputs x, but output parameter y is missing from x, where is it (OP screwed up settings and misses some output parameter)?
- Or in case of the linked question, I use program w (EEGLab) and output x doesn't make sense (OP doesn't know what they are doing).
Are these sort of questions on topic and welcomed here?