I have noticed that the "main" chatroom for this site has been frozen. By the main chatroom I mean the room which was created when the site was created with the description "General discussion for bioinformatics.stackexchange.com".
As far as I know, the Stack Exchange chat system will still keep at least one room from freezing. (And the rooms migrated from comments and one-to-one rooms created through "start a new room with this user" do not count here.) But none of the remaining rooms has privileged position1 If you look at the rooms associated with this site, you can see that the only room which is not frozen is Bioinfomatics About The Coronavirus Pandemic.
So my questions are:
- Should something be done about this? (On one hand, it is probably good for any Stack Exchange site to have a room for general discussions. On the other hand, since the room was frozen long time ago, probably it wasn't really used and nobody seems to be missing this room.)
- What kind of action should be taken if the room is frozen again in the future?
1Any room can be unfrozen by moderators. Some posts where you can find more details concerning frozen rooms: